An overextended reach while working in the hangar went almost unnoticed except for a slight tingle in my lower back. I shrugged it off and kept working. The next morning the tingle had become a white-hot pain so piercing that I canceled my days activities in favor of an ice pack and heating pad. Lying flat on my back or sitting bolt upright were the only positions that offered any …
The Positive Power of Planes
Central American road systems are strikingly limited when compared to the intricate systems that crisscross any-city USA. Stopping the flow of traffic between cities is often used to voice political or civil discontent with government policies. When this occurs, movement between cities and municipalities is impossible. Worse yet, you could find yourself trapped in a miles long line of vehicles unable to move for hours. On the 15th of …
Starting The Day
Nearing the two-decade mark as missionaries, Chuck & Robin have learned to never expect the routine, and above all, seek God’s wisdom daily by reading and meditating on His Word. In missionary life, there are very few days that could be called “routine.” Stacks of paperwork demand attention daily, as does a to-do list that never seems to get any shorter. The plan formulated yesterday may well be obsolete before …
Taking Care of Our Volunteers
Brian and Deb are retired living in Guatemala but are by no means idle with their time. Here at SGSP Aviation Ministries we appreciate the gift of time and talent. Recently on an SGSP follow up mission between Quetzaltenango and Guatemala City, we invited B&D to ride along and get a look at the western highlands from a vantage point few get to see. Judging from the smiles on their …
Too Much of a Good Thing!?!?
In 1968, when I was 8 years old, my family lived in San Antonio, Texas. My elementary school was a short 15-minute walk from our back door. Or if one or several things captured my attention along the way, that walk could take near an hour. But on my Schwinn Stingray, with banana seat and high-rise handlebars, I could cover that distance in an instant. One day a school chum …